LAUNCH DATE: February 22, 2004
LAUNCH TIME: 08:00 am (15:00 UTC)
LAUNCH SITE: Windsor, Co (directions)

EOSS Frequencies:

  • Preflight Net:
    • 147.225 MHz 8 pm MDT preceding Friday night
      • 145.160 MHz simulcast in the Springs
    • 146.640 MHz will serve as a backup frequency
  • Cross Band Repeater
    • 445.975 MHz Input
    • 147.555 MHz Output
    • ID: W�WYX
    • Backup APRS on the output 1/min
  • Beacon
    • 145.600 MHz
  • APRS
    • 144.340 MHz (primary APRS)
      • ID: W5VSI-11
    • 147.555 MHz (backup)
      • ID: W�WYX
    • 144.390 MHz (test)
      • ID: KC�JHQ-11
  • ATV
    • 426.250 MHz
  • Tracking and Recovery Operations
    • 449.450 MHz RMRL Repeater (tentative)
    • 146.550 MHz simplex (same simplex for field and launch ops)

Flight Systems:

Balloon Manufacturer Kaymont
Balloon Type latex
Balloon Size 2000 gram
Payload 6 Lbs.
Free Lift % calculated at fill
Ascent Rate 1200 fpm estimated
Descent Rate  930 fpm estimated
Parachute 10 ft. diameter
Peak Altitude determined after flight
Launch Conditions determined at launch

EOSS Grid:

Location Grid X Grid Y
Grid Ref (Intersection of Highway 14 & 71 (west)) 70 45
Ft. Lupton 10 9
Nine Mile Corner 75 13
Windsor 5 36
Launch Point 2.56 35.57
Predicted Touchdown (Friday Night) 96 83.4

Payload Configuration:

E-B-B-B-E (Earth, Balloon, Balloon, Balloon, Earth)

The possibility of a packet connection through three balloon will be possible this flight.

Start looking for contacts when the closest balloon you can hear direct reaches around 50K feet.

ALSO, please allow plenty of time and packet space for the ground stations to attempt their EBBBE contacts FIRST.

Once we have a verified EBBE contact, general contacts through the balloons will be welcome. However, if traffic gets too busy the control operators of each balloon may request a cessation of contact attempts to ensure that a smooth uninterrupted flow of tracking data can still be received on the ground. The tracking functions are the PRIME use on each balloon and we don't want to lose track of our payload positions due to heavy human generated packet traffic.

The Aliases of the balloons are:

  • ORB = ORB

The TNC Callsigns are:

  • EOSS=W5VSI-11
  • NSTAR = N9XTN-11
  • ORB = KC5TRB-11

The Ground Station Callsigns are:

  • EOSS = W5VSI-1
  • NSTAR = N9XTN-9
  • ORB = ?

The Frequency is 144.340 MHz.

The group web pages:


HF Radio

Usually starts 30 minutes