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by Mike Papas
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Steve Spangler, our host
L to R, Steve Meer - K0SCC and Steve Spangler
Annie and Darren Kalmbach - KC0ZIE
Glenn Hetchler - WB0DKT and Sam Hetchler - KG6HXM
L to R, Nick Hanks - N0LP, Randy Collander, Russ Chadwich - KB0TVJ
As above ... reversed
L to R, KJ Wright - KD0QYY, Steve Meer - K0SCC, Darren Kalmbach - KC0ZIE, and Mike Manes - W5VSI
Mike Manes and Beaker
Mike Manes, Larry Noble - N0NDM and Flight Coordinator Doug Gentges - N0IX
Steve Meer
L to R, Producer for Spangler Science and Steve Meer
L to R, way back there, Chris Krengel - KB0YRZ the tracking and recovery coordinator for this flight, Mike Manes the Payload String coordinator, KJ Wright the "First Lady" of EOSS (president's wife) and Tracker and assistant in general at launch site and Larry Noble the Balloon Launch Coordinator.
L to R, Steve Meer, Spangler Science Producer, and Doug Gentges
L to R, Chris Krengel and Nick Hanks, N0LP the ground station coordinator
L to R, Daryl Hartner, Mike Sullivan - W5EEA, KJ Wright, Annie Kalmbah, Doug Gentges, Rob Wright - President of EOSS, and Russ Chadwick our FAA liaison and Vice President of EOSS.