Flight Announcement Page

Flight Related info

If an EOSS payload is highlighted, there is a link to an information page about that payload.


Special Notes:

We could use a little assistance at the launch site. Check into the preflight net Friday night (freq below) to volunteer or send Mike Manes your info. Here's something from Mike:

"Any extra help we can muster at the launch site after 0630 will be very much appreciated! In particular, someone who can run APRS-SA to track the balloon over a Colo map would be a real plus for our distinguished visitors from CU, CSXT and the Discovery Channel."

There is a deck at the launch site which will be used by ground station personnel. It has a STRICTLY limited capacity of 20 folks, so count before you climb.

LAUNCH DATE: August 25, 2001 (Rain date August 26, 2001)
LAUNCH TIME: 15:00 UTC, 09:00 MDT
LAUNCH SITE: Byers Colorado

  • 39.7032� North Latitude  
  • 104.2622� West Longitude


  • Preflight Net:
    • 147.225 MHz 8 pm MDT Friday August 24, 2001
    • 146.640 MHz will serve as a backup frequency
  • HF Net during Flight
    • 7235 KHz starting at 14:30 UTC (8:30am MDT)
  • Beacons:
  • ATV
    • 426.250 MHz
  • Tracking and Recovery Operations
    • 448.450 MHz (100 Hz tone required) PPFMA Repeater
    • 146.640 MHz DRL Repeater (backup)
    • 146.970 MHz PPFMA (100 Hz tone required) (2nd backup)
    • 146.580 MHz simplex
  • Simplex at Launch Site
    • 146.550 MHz


The Civilian Space Exploration Team has a web site at:


Jerry Larson was the representative of the group and he gave an excellent and very interesting presentation of their groups goals. Check out the PDF file of his PowerPoint presentation to EOSS (linked above) and also be sure to go the their web site to see what a really exciting group of people we have managed to hook up with.