Flight Recap of EOSS-15

Launch date: March 5, 1994
Launch time: 16:03 UTC
Launch site: Thunder Ridge Middle School
                   Aurora, Colorado  USA
Launch coordinates:  39.62383 deg NORTH
                              104.72070 deg WEST
Burst Time: 17:28 UTC
Max Altitude: 102,000 ft.
Touchdown time: 18:03 (UTC)
Touchdown Distance: 45.59 miles
Touchdown coordinates:  39.686944 deg NORTH
                                     103.866944 deg WEST

 Payload Systems:

  • Radiation Experiment
  • W6ORE Flight Controller
  • ATV - 426.250 MHz
  • Beacon - 147.555 MHz
  • Pressure Sensor used to determine altitude
  • Temperature sensors (internal and external)

Project Lead: Jack Crabtree, AA0P
Balloon Lead: Merle McCaslin, K0YUK
Tech Committee: Mike Manes
Ground Station: Rick von Glahn, N0KKZ
Tracking and Recovery: Greg Burnett, K0ELM

  Flight Highlights
Light winds at launch.

Cherry Creek High School created a radiation experiment to measure beta particles. This experiment transmitted telemetry to the ground throughout the flight. It was determined that there was a slight increase in beta particles as the balloon approached 50,000 ft. and a constant decrease in their presence as the balloon rose to 100,000 ft.

These results were duplicated on the descent phase although the data were less accurate due to the speed at which the payload makes its return to earth.

Recovery went well, the fox hunting teams were up to their usual expert selves.
