Flight Recap for EOSS-9

Launch date: October 30, 1992
Launch time: 9:28 am local
Launch site: Longs Peak Middle School
                   Longmont, Colorado  USA
Launch coordinates:  40.16319 deg NORTH
                              105.16313 deg WEST
Max Altitude: 92,000 ft.
Touchdown time: 10:53 am local
Touchdown Distance: 86.97 miles
Touchdown coordinates:  40.433 deg NORTH
                                     103.550 deg WEST

Payload Systems:

  • New Payload Package (SHUTTLE I) with rotating mirror for various ATV views.
  • W6ORE Flight Controller
  • ATV - 426.250 MHz
  • Beacon - 147.555 MHz
  • Pressure Sensor used to determine altitude
  • Temperature sensors (internal and external)

 Experiments: Test flight of new SHUTTLE I Payload
                     Middle School Flight (tracking, plotting, graphing)

Project Lead: Jack Crabtree, AA0P
Balloon Lead: Merle McCaslin, K0YUK
Payload Lead: Mike Manes, Mike Ditto
Launch Site Lead: Jack Crabtree, AA0P
Public Relations: Jack Crabtree, AA0P
Tracking and Recovery: Greg Burnett, K0ELM
Education Lead: Tom Isenberg, N0KSR

  Flight Highlights
Student participation was very good on this flight due to pre-flight preparations by the educational liaison. The teachers were especially happy with the results of the flight and the impact it had on their students.

The wx was cloudy and wet. It rained all the way up to Longmont. The clouds cleared over Longmont just prior to launch, however, and we were able to get off the ground. The winds were moderate during prep and launch.

The release cable broke just prior to the first launch attempt. It required repairing. After repairs it was fully operational and worked fine.

The new payload worked well. This was the first flight where we captured video of the balloon release.



Telemetry Log File zipped