EOSS-207/208/209 COSGC DemoSats 3fer

EOSS-205/206 Fun Flights, March 14, 2015 - Recap

The EOSS Fun Flight was a success for our three STEM payloads and one club member payload, and a trying day for our beacon builders. Work continues on getting the new beacons into flight-ready conditions.

EOSS #204: NOAA LASP Flight - MARCH 7th, 2015 Recap

EOSS204 was the second EOSS flight for the NOAA/LASP Tropopause Temperature Profiler which is designed to use an optical fiber to make in-situ measurements of temperature near the tropopause.  The idea is to lower a length of optical fiber from the balloon payload and interrogate it by sending laser pulses down the fiber and determine temperature from the Raman scattering within the fiber.  The first time this was tried on EOSS199, the fiber broke after about 50 meters of fiber were reeled out.  The fiber that time was 200 microns in diameter with no protective coating.  This time the glass

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EOSS-203 Space Grant Community College Launch - Recap

EOSS-203 resulted in the successful flight and recovery of 9 payloads from COSGC community colleges, after reaching an altitude of over 103,000 ft.  The payloads were recovered approximately 7 miles north of Fort Morgan, Colorado at 40º 21.68' N, 103º 47.25' W (based on last received packet of KC0UUO-11).  http://spacegrant.colorado.edu/community-colleges/141-transfer/619-community-college-4

EOSS December 9th Face to Face meeting at


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