EOSS-365/366 Ranum Innovation Campus, Evergreen High School, & Golden High School - Recap

On Saturday, December 7, 2024, two 3000g Heavy balloons were launched from Deer Trail, Colorado.

  • EOSS-365 launched @ 7:04am and reached an altitude of 90,441 feet MSL. It landed at 9:01am in a field 180 feet east of north-south County Road 157, south of east-west County Road 66, south of Matheson, Colorado. The landing site was near the landowner's residence and permission to retrieve the payload string was obtained.
  • EOSS-366 launched @ 7:30am and reached an altitude of 87,872 feet MSL. It landed at 9:25am, 0.2 miles east of north-south county road 161, north of east-west county Road 74, southeast of Matheson, Colorado.  A relative of the land owner drove by and called the owner to ask for permission, it was granted and the owner's representative and 3 EOSS members walk out to retrieve the payloads. Easy reovery.

EOSS member mileage reimbursement link: https://forms.gle/qJjy47iTHF5ywDPJ6 

Original Announcement: 

This is two 3000g balloons or three 1500g balloons carrying student-built payloads from Westminster Public Schools' Ranum Innovation Campus and Jefferson County Public Schools' Evergreen High School and Golden High School.EOSS 365 H Student payloads from Golden High School will be weighted and strung on Friday morning.  Rev B will be issued that afternoon with final weights.  The teacher will bring the strung payloads to the launch site by 6:00am Saturday.EOSS 366 H Student payloads from Evergreen High School and Ranum Innovative Center have final weights and have been strung. The teachers will bring the payloads to the launch site by 6:00am Saturday. Rev B is posted with the final weights

Event Date: 
Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 00:00 to 23:45
Flight Coordinator: 
Launch Site: 

EOSS-365 H

Two 3000g  or 3 1500 g balloons for Evergreen, Golden High Schools and Ranum Innovative Center.

Balloon Type: 
12 FT
Payload Plan: 


Evergreen HS and Ranum Innovative Center 1/3000g balloon.

Balloon Type: 
12 FT
Payload Plan: 

EOSS Preflight Net @ 7 PM Mountain Time the preceding night:


The preflight net is hosted on the Fun Machine linked system https://www.we0fun.com/  

EchoLink *CANONCTY* conference and on the TGIF DMR Network Node: 1997 Talkgroup 815

Denver area Frequencies: 

    • 449.225 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 141.3 Hz CTCSS) Mt Thorodin
    • 448.150 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 141.3 Hz CTCSS) DIA
    • 449.975 Mhz (-5 MHz Offset, 100 Hz CTCSS) Westcreek
    • 447.525 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 146.2 Hz CTCSS) Devils Head   

Back up Pre Flight Net Frequincies

        • 146.940 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 103.5 Hz CTCSS) Rocky Mountain Radio League (RMRL) Repeater if the RMHAM machine is down
        • 146.640 MHz (-600 KHz Offset, 100.0 Hz CTCSS) Denver Radio League (DRL) Repeater will serve as a backup to the backup repeater 

Flight Day:
Launch Site:
        • 446.050 MHz Simplex  
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

Track & Recovery Operations:
        • 449.450 MHz (-5 MHz Offset, 103.5 Hz Tone) RMRL repeater

        Simplex Frequencies:
        • 446.100 MHz Balloon #1 Field Simplex 
        • 446.150 MHz Balloon #2 Field Simplex
        • 446.200 MHz Balloon #3 Field Simplex
        • 446.275 MHz Car to Car drive out Simplex
        (Note that some radios assume these are repeater frequencies and attempt to put a 5 MHz offset in the transmit frequency automatically)

Digital Mobile Radio (DMR):

  • Rocky Mountain Wide Network – Talk Group 700 - Rocky Mountain Ham Radio has approval to the use "Wide" for flight operations




During EOSS.org High Altitude balloon flights launching from Deer Trail these Skyhub repeaters are switched to analog mode and are connected to the RMRL 449.450 Minus PL 103.5 RMRL via the SkyHubLink auxiliary AllStar node for tracking and recovery operations. 


1. Cedar Point CO, 447.650 Minus PL 103.5


2. First View CO, 447.600 Minus PL 103.5


3. Hugo CO,  447.150 Minus PL 103.5



2M Direction Finding Frequencies:

  • 144.340
  • 144.905
  • 145.710


Tactical Calls: 
TacticalCall SignNameNotes
AlphaW9CN, NØJPSMike, John (365)
BravoWA0GEH, KF0NLQMarty, Anne (365)
CharlieKB0YRZChris (365)
EchoKC0RPS, W0GV, WG0NJim, Gerry, Dave (365)
FoxtrotK0NKKNancy, FC (366)
Ground StationN2XGL, KB0TVJ, N0NDM, K5JKJeff, Randy, Russ (366), Tom
HotelKF0PCWDoug (366)
TR Breakfast: 
IHOP in Limon, 6:00, Flying J Truck Stop