Crow Valley Launch Site

This site is located approximately 3 miles west of Briggsdale, Colorado, 0.5 miles north of Highway 14.

Geographic Coordinates

  • Latitude:  40 degrees 38' 56.7" N; 40.649083
  • Longitude:  104 degrees 23' 04.0" W; -104.384444
  • Altitude:  4,967 ft.

Link to Crow Valley Recreation Area Web Site

Google Directions from your Zipcode

Enter your zipcode below and Google will generate driving directions from that zip to the Crow Valley Recreation Area Launch Site.

General Directions

Directions from Denver to Crow Valley Launch Site, Briggsdale, Colorado

From the intersection of I-25 and I-70:


  1. Take I-25 to exit 269A. Colorado Highway 14 EAST
  2. Go east on Highway 14 to the intersection with US Highway 85 (Ault)
  3. Continue East on Highway 14 for 20.3 miles, jsut past County Road 71
  4. Turn Left through the gate and follow the road for approximately 0.5 miles where it curves west to the launch site


Map from Crow Valley Campground to Launch Site