
EOSS Flight Payloads

Information about EOSS designed payloads only. Payloads of customers are often described in flight announcement and recap pages.

These pages are currently under construction. Details and corrections will be added.

APRS Systems

Repeater Systems

ATV Systems


Balloon Local Area Network System (BLAN)

Full Shuttle Systems

  • EOSS Shuttle II - Now obsolete. We tend to fly multiple single purpose payloads rather than send up one all purpose system. But, Shuttle II is still around in the inventory.

Mechanical Systems

  • Quick Release - Mike Manes designed this device to quickly separate a payload train from the shards of a balloon immediately after the balloon bursts.

  • Packing the Parachute - After a flight save the balloon prep team hours of time and stress getting the parachute ready to fly again by properly securing it for travel.

Camera Systems

Canon A570IS

  • Canon A570 IS - By installing temporary firmware and running a uBasic script, this camera can be setup for flight by simply turning it on

  • SamCam2 - Rotating camera housing to capture different views automatically.

Kodak Zi6 HD Video Recorder

Home Made Balloons

K. Mark Caviezel has managed to build zero floater balloons. Here's a brief rundown on the first we flew.

Test Equipment

Flight Hardware