Confidence Levels (Average)

Minor discrepancies in models

Looking at these maps, the three tracks essentially follow the same zig zag path to the north. The first two (GFS and NAM) are in quite close agreement vector and range. While the models are not in exact agreement, this is an example of what I call minor discrepancies. This is also probably the worst case scenario for an AVERAGE confidence level assignment. A little more difference between the AFWA and the first two and I'd move the confidence level down to MEDIUM.



Here are three predictions made at the same time on maps showing a track for the same date and time in the future.

Date Prediction Made July 28, 2006 19:00 UTC
Date of Flight (actually the UTC time of the model's prediction) July 29, 2006 12:00 UTC


GFS Short Range Prediction





Raw Data and Prediction Output

GFS Short

Raw Data

YR: 2006   MON: 07   DAY: 15   HOUR: 12    AT POSITION: 104.6 76.0  LAT.: 39.87  LON.:-104.67  ELEV: 1656 m
PRSS:     .8223E+03
MSLP:     .1020E+04
TPP6:     .0000E+00
UMOF:    -.1220E+00
VMOF:    -.8887E-01
SHTF:    -.7144E+02
DSWF:     .0000E+00
RH2M:     .4698E+02
U10M:     .2810E+01
V10M:     .6800E+00
T02M:     .2908E+03
TCLD:     .6499E+00
SHGT:     .1839E+04
CAPE:     .0000E+00
CINH:     .0000E+00
LISD:     .2768E+03
LIB4:     .1496E+01
PBLH:     .1695E+03
HPA       M      C     C       DEG     M/S
E = Estimated Surface Height
822.  1839.   17.6    6.2   231.7     2.9
800.  2075.   22.5    4.5   230.8     6.0
750.  2633.   20.2     .1   240.2     3.6
700.  3223.   17.4   -5.0   220.9     1.2
650.  3849.   12.1   -8.6   144.0      .5
600.  4512.    6.3  -15.6    50.6     1.2
550.  5217.     .1  -19.0    24.1     3.6
500.  5971.   -6.2  -27.0    32.6     3.3
450.  6785.  -12.0  -36.9    30.4     4.5
400.  7674.  -18.5  -47.0    36.4     4.3
350.  8655.  -26.2  -51.9    24.7     6.0
300.  9751.  -34.1  -59.2    17.6     7.2
250. 11003.  -42.5  -59.0    22.9    13.2
200. 12475.  -52.9  -64.1    16.9    16.3
150. 14284.  -62.8  -78.1     8.2     9.4
100. 16749.  -67.4 -103.1   272.2      .7
50. 20986.  -60.0 -273.1    91.3     7.8
20. 26887.  -49.5 -273.1    92.1    17.1
1839.    .002   1.2
2075.    .032   7.6      ****
2633.    .006   3.4      ****
3223.    .005   3.2      ****
3849.    .002   1.0
4512.    .001    .7
5217.    .001    .7
5971.    .002   1.3
6785.    .003   2.7
7674.    .003   2.8
8655.    .003   2.5
9751.    .003   3.8
11003.    .004   5.6
12475.    .004   6.1
14284.    .007  12.9      ****
16749.    .014  35.4      ****
20986.    .025  ****      ****
26887.    .031  ****      ****

---end raw data---

Balloon Track for Windows                                Version 1.9.5
Flight Prediction
Friday, July 28, 2006             EOSS-109    GFS-Short_06_07_29_1200Z.dat
7:37:06 PM                        Genoa CO                    wbaltrak.ini
Winds DataFile
Station: DEN
Date: 1200Z 29 07 2006
DataFile Status: Intact
Intact Records: 18
Corrupt Records: 0
Grid Placement Data
Reference Site: Punkin Center
Latitude: 38.8521� lat.
Longitude: -103.7005� long.
X_Offset: 51.50
Y_Offset: 5.50
Grid Origin
Latitude: 38.7724� lat.
Longitude: -104.6583� long.
Launch Site - Genoa CO
Launch Point: 39.2788� lat.   -103.4899� long.
Grid: X=62.44 Y=34.96
Ascent Rate: 1100 feet per minute
Descent Rate: 950 feet per minute
Altitude: 5589 feet
VOR Station - Denver CO
Latitude: 39.8125� lat.
Longitude: -104.6607� long.
Magnetic Offset: -11.0� from True Degrees
Maximums Enroute
Distance to LOS: 402.3 Mi.
Maximum Range: 16.1 Mi.
Maximum Winds: 32.0 mph from 80� at 88,278 feet altitude
Burst Data
Burst Point: 39.4046� lat.  -103.6105� long.
Grid: X=55.9 Y=43.6
Burst Time: 81.3 minutes
Burst Altitude: 95,000 feet
Burst Bearing: 323.5�
Burst Range: 10.8 Mi.
Predicted Landing Site
Landing Point: 39.4813� lat.  -103.6397� long.
Grid: X=54.3 Y=48.9
Altitude: 5000 feet
Flight Time: 122 Minutes
Bearing: 330.3� True
Range: 16.1 Mi.
Bear Rng  EL. Vertical                      Dist. Bearing Range VOR
Time      Alt   Deg  Mi. Deg   FPM   Latitude  Longitude  to LOS   Mag    NM   ID
< 1   5639   18    1  72   1100  39.2789   -103.4899    10     109    63   DEN
< 1   6572   18    1  72   1100  39.2796   -103.4896    42     109    63   DEN
3   8392   18    1  56   1100  39.2838   -103.4878    71     109    63   DEN
4  10318   17    1  53   1100  39.2883   -103.4862    93     109    63   DEN
6  12365   18    1  54   1100  39.2916   -103.4844   111     108    63   DEN
8  14541   15    1  60   1100  39.2923   -103.4853   127     108    63   DEN
10  16867    3    1  68   1100  39.2916   -103.4891   143     109    63   DEN
13  19360  335    1  71   1100  39.2904   -103.4968   158     109    62   DEN
15  22057  313    1  69   1100  39.2908   -103.5067   173     109    62   DEN
18  25000  309    2  63   1100  39.2958   -103.5174   187     109    61   DEN
21  28251  315    3  57   1100  39.3076   -103.5277   203     109    61   DEN
24  31903  326    4  54   1100  39.3221   -103.5281   218     108    60   DEN
28  36060  338    4  53   1100  39.3363   -103.5202   235     107    60   DEN
32  40886  350    5  52   1100  39.3534   -103.5065   253     106    60   DEN
37  46814  360    7  50   1100  39.3748   -103.4905   273     105    60   DEN
45  54905    8    8  48   1100  39.3978   -103.4689   299     103    60   DEN
58  68917    7   10  51   1100  39.4162   -103.4680   339     102    60   DEN
75  88278  341   10  58   1100  39.4128   -103.5504   387     104    57   DEN
81  95000  323   11  57   1100  39.4046   -103.6105   402     105    54   DEN
82  88278  321   11  55   6924  39.4033   -103.6201   388     106    54   DEN
87  68917  317   12  46   4399  39.4024   -103.6407   340     106    53   DEN
91  54905  318   12  38   3148  39.4089   -103.6404   301     106    53   DEN
94  46814  322   12  32   2594  39.4186   -103.6313   275     105    53   DEN
97  40886  326   13  28   2251  39.4291   -103.6235   255     104    53   DEN
99  36060  329   13  24   2005  39.4385   -103.6159   237     104    53   DEN
102  31903  331   13  20   1819  39.4471   -103.6112   221     103    53   DEN
104  28251  332   14  17   1674  39.4566   -103.6114   205     102    53   DEN
106  25000  332   15  14   1558  39.4649   -103.6187   190     102    52   DEN
108  22057  331   15  12   1463  39.4687   -103.6268   176     102    52   DEN
110  19360  330   15  10   1382  39.4690   -103.6347   161     102    52   DEN
112  16867  328   15   8   1313  39.4680   -103.6412   147     102    51   DEN
114  14541  328   15   6   1253  39.4673   -103.6445   131     102    51   DEN
115  12365  328   15   5   1200  39.4680   -103.6453   115     102    51   DEN
117  10318  328   16   3   1152  39.4712   -103.6437    98     102    51   DEN
119   8392  329   16   2   1110  39.4756   -103.6420    78     102    51   DEN
121   6572  330   16   1   1073  39.4799   -103.6402    53     102    51   DEN
122   5000  330   16  -1   1041  39.4813   -103.6397     1     102    51   DEN



Raw Data

YR: 2006   MON: 07   DAY: 29   HOUR: 12    AT POSITION: 277.6209.0  LAT.: 39.87  LON.:-104.67  ELEV: 1656 m
SHGT:     .1607E+04
MSLP:     .1005E+04
TPP3:     .0000E+00
CPP3:     .0000E+00
T02M:     .2967E+03
RH2M:     .3496E+02
U10M:    -.9224E-01
V10M:     .2439E+01
PRSS:     .8358E+03
LHTF:     .0000E+00
SHTF:    -.9751E+01
USTR:     .2326E+00
RGHS:     .7500E+00
DSWF:     .0000E+00
HPA       M      C     C       DEG     M/S
E = Estimated Surface Height
836.  1607.   23.5    7.2   173.7     2.4
825.  1726.   23.9    6.6   179.5     5.3
800.  1995.   24.6    4.0   197.7     6.6
775.  2273.   23.7    -.6   189.3     5.5
750.  2557.   21.5   -1.2   192.9     4.8
725.  2849.   19.4   -2.7   195.3     3.2
700.  3149.   17.1   -4.0   191.9     2.1
650.  3774.   12.4  -14.1   189.6     2.1
600.  4439.    7.6  -17.8   120.6     4.0
550.  5147.    2.0  -19.6   103.8     6.6
500.  5907.   -3.6  -22.4   109.1     3.7
450.  6729.   -9.2  -26.1   128.4     6.6
400.  7627.  -16.6  -23.2   140.9    10.9
350.  8616.  -22.7  -25.0   171.1     7.0
300.  9730.  -30.1  -32.8   181.0     5.5
250. 11003.  -40.0  -43.3   202.5     7.2
200. 12482.  -53.0  -57.0   216.7    11.9
150. 14293.  -60.6  -72.8   192.9     4.9
100. 16772.  -67.0  -82.8   163.5     4.2
50. 20980.  -61.0  -89.5    99.9     8.0
1607.    .002    .6
1726.    .013   1.5
1995.    .013   3.6      ****
2273.    .007   2.0
2557.    .002    .6
2849.    .003    .7
3149.    .002    .7
3774.    .003   1.6
4439.    .003   1.9
5147.    .002   1.6
5907.    .003   2.1
6729.    .004   3.0
7627.    .002   1.7
8616.    .005   4.8
9730.    .004   4.8
11003.    .003   3.6
12482.    .002   2.2
14293.    .009  16.8      ****
16772.    .013  32.5      ****
20980.    .024  ****      ****

---end raw data---

Balloon Track for Windows                                Version 1.9.5
Flight Prediction
Friday, July 28, 2006             EOSS-109       NAM-12_06_07_29_1200Z.dat
7:06:11 PM                        Genoa CO                    wbaltrak.ini
Winds DataFile
Station: DEN
Date: 1200Z 29 07 2006
DataFile Status: Intact
Intact Records: 20
Corrupt Records: 0
Grid Placement Data
Reference Site: Punkin Center
Latitude: 38.8521� lat.
Longitude: -103.7005� long.
X_Offset: 51.50
Y_Offset: 5.50
Grid Origin
Latitude: 38.7724� lat.
Longitude: -104.6583� long.
Launch Site - Genoa CO
Launch Point: 39.2788� lat.   -103.4899� long.
Grid: X=62.44 Y=34.96
Ascent Rate: 1100 feet per minute
Descent Rate: 950 feet per minute
Altitude: 5589 feet
VOR Station - Denver CO
Latitude: 39.8125� lat.
Longitude: -104.6607� long.
Magnetic Offset: -11.0� from True Degrees
Maximums Enroute
Distance to LOS: 402.3 Mi.
Maximum Range: 21. Mi.
Maximum Winds: 27.0 mph from 217� at 40,951 feet altitude
Burst Data
Burst Point: 39.4507� lat.  -103.6334� long.
Grid: X=54.6 Y=46.8
Burst Time: 81.3 minutes
Burst Altitude: 95,000 feet
Burst Bearing: 327.2�
Burst Range: 14.1 Mi.
Predicted Landing Site
Landing Point: 39.544� lat.  -103.682� long.
Grid: X=52.0 Y=53.3
Altitude: 5000 feet
Flight Time: 122 Minutes
Bearing: 330.8� True
Range: 21.0 Mi.
Bear Rng  EL. Vertical                      Dist. Bearing Range VOR
Time      Alt   Deg  Mi. Deg   FPM   Latitude  Longitude  to LOS   Mag    NM   ID
< 1   5639  354    1  68   1100  39.2789   -103.4899    10     109    63   DEN
8  14000   11    1  56   1100  39.2942   -103.4861   123     108    63   DEN
17  24000  325    2  58   1100  39.3045   -103.5135   183     109    61   DEN
36  45000  353    7  47   1100  39.3785   -103.5063   267     105    59   DEN
49  60000  358    9  47   1100  39.4161   -103.4954   314     102    59   DEN
81  95000  327   14  50   1100  39.4507   -103.6334   402     103    52   DEN
90  60000  323   16  33   3556  39.4603   -103.6684   315     103    50   DEN
95  45000  326   16  24   2484  39.4757   -103.6634   269     102    50   DEN
107  24000  331   19  10   1525  39.5194   -103.6635   185     100    49   DEN
114  14000  329   20   4   1239  39.5277   -103.6858   128      99    48   DEN
122   5000  331   21  -1   1041  39.5440   -103.6820     1      98    48   DEN



Raw Data

YR: 2006   MON: 07   DAY: 29   HOUR: 12    AT POSITION: 141.8115.9  LAT.: 39.87  LON.:-104.67  ELEV: 1656 m
MSLP:     .1003E+04
T02M:     .2932E+03
TPP3:     .0000E+00
RH2M:     .5023E+02
U10M:     .1572E+01
V10M:     .3350E+01
PRSS:     .8379E+03
CSNO:     .0000E+00
CICE:     .0000E+00
CFZR:     .0000E+00
CRAI:     .0000E+00
VSBY:     .4040E+05
PTYP:     .0000E+00
TCLD:     .2983E+02
SHGT:     .1604E+04
PBLH:     .1084E+03
SHTF:    -.1832E+02
HPA       M      C     C       DEG     M/S
E = Estimated Surface Height
838.  1604.   20.0    9.3   198.9     3.7
800.  2003.   23.7    5.6   220.1     1.9
750.  2563.   20.2    2.3   156.3     1.2
700.  3153.   15.8   -3.9   160.8     1.7
650.  3778.   12.3  -11.4   144.7     1.8
600.  4443.    7.2  -13.8   124.5     3.6
550.  5151.    1.9  -21.7   124.2     5.0
500.  5911.   -3.8  -26.0   124.4     6.4
450.  6733.  -10.1  -35.7   127.6     8.8
400.  7629.  -16.7  -36.5   144.0     9.0
350.  8620.  -22.7  -28.0   170.8     5.5
300.  9734.  -30.7  -37.4   241.4     6.4
250. 11000.  -41.9  -47.5   228.0    10.0
200. 12467.  -54.1  -58.6   223.9     9.3
150. 14274.  -62.5  -74.6   209.8     5.4
100. 16731.  -69.3  -83.1   177.6     2.2
50. 20865.  -69.4  -82.7   148.1     4.6
1604.    .002    .7
2003.    .020   8.1      ****
2563.    .004   2.0
3153.    .003   1.5
3778.    .005   2.8
4443.    .002   1.6
5151.    .003   1.9
5911.    .003   2.1
6733.    .003   2.1
7629.    .003   2.7
8620.    .005   4.8
9734.    .004   4.0
11000.    .001   1.6
12467.    .002   3.3
14274.    .008  15.3      ****
16731.    .013  31.3      ****
20865.    .021  86.1      ****
---end raw data---
Balloon Track for Windows                                Version 1.9.5
Flight Prediction
Friday, July 28, 2006             EOSS-109      AFWA-15_06_07_29_1200Z.dat
7:36:55 PM                        Genoa CO                    wbaltrak.ini
Winds DataFile
Station: DEN
Date: 1200Z 29 07 2006
DataFile Status: Intact
Intact Records: 17
Corrupt Records: 0
Grid Placement Data
Reference Site: Punkin Center
Latitude: 38.8521� lat.
Longitude: -103.7005� long.
X_Offset: 51.50
Y_Offset: 5.50
Grid Origin
Latitude: 38.7724� lat.
Longitude: -104.6583� long.
Launch Site - Genoa CO
Launch Point: 39.2788� lat.   -103.4899� long.
Grid: X=62.44 Y=34.96
Ascent Rate: 1100 feet per minute
Descent Rate: 950 feet per minute
Altitude: 5589 feet
VOR Station - Denver CO
Latitude: 39.8125� lat.
Longitude: -104.6607� long.
Magnetic Offset: -11.0� from True Degrees
Maximums Enroute
Distance to LOS: 402.3 Mi.
Maximum Range: 17.6 Mi.
Maximum Winds: 22.0 mph from 228� at 36,089 feet altitude
Burst Data
Burst Point: 39.4494� lat.  -103.5019� long.
Grid: X=61.7 Y=46.7
Burst Time: 81.3 minutes
Burst Altitude: 95,000 feet
Burst Bearing: 356.9�
Burst Range: 11.8 Mi.
Predicted Landing Site
Landing Point: 39.5336� lat.  -103.5087� long.
Grid: X=61.2 Y=52.6
Altitude: 5000 feet
Flight Time: 123 Minutes
Bearing: 356.7� True
Range: 17.6 Mi.
Bear Rng  EL. Vertical                      Dist. Bearing Range VOR
Time      Alt   Deg  Mi. Deg   FPM   Latitude  Longitude  to LOS   Mag    NM   ID
< 1   5639   19    1  57   1100  39.2789   -103.4899    10     109    63   DEN
< 1   6572   19    1  57   1100  39.2805   -103.4892    42     109    63   DEN
3   8409   29    1  67   1100  39.2817   -103.4879    71     109    63   DEN
4  10344   15    1  72   1100  39.2829   -103.4885    93     109    63   DEN
6  12395    5    1  73   1100  39.2846   -103.4893   111     109    63   DEN
8  14577  355    1  73   1100  39.2861   -103.4907   128     109    63   DEN
10  16900  337    1  71   1100  39.2884   -103.4951   143     109    62   DEN
13  19393  325    1  67   1100  39.2918   -103.5015   158     109    62   DEN
15  22090  318    2  62   1100  39.2964   -103.5104   173     109    62   DEN
18  25030  314    3  56   1100  39.3043   -103.5236   188     109    61   DEN
21  28281  317    3  51   1100  39.3159   -103.5344   203     108    60   DEN
24  31936  322    4  51   1100  39.3254   -103.5363   218     108    60   DEN
28  36089  335    4  55   1100  39.3316   -103.5219   235     107    60   DEN
32  40902  354    5  55   1100  39.3471   -103.4996   253     106    61   DEN
37  46831    7    6  52   1100  39.3668   -103.4750   273     105    61   DEN
45  54892   12    8  51   1100  39.3852   -103.4613   299     103    61   DEN
57  68455   10    9  54   1100  39.4000   -103.4620   337     103    61   DEN
81  95000  357   12  55   1100  39.4494   -103.5019   402     101    58   DEN
87  68455  355   13  43   4351  39.4619   -103.5120   339     100    57   DEN
92  54892  355   13  35   3147  39.4671   -103.5123   300     100    57   DEN
95  46831  356   14  30   2595  39.4749   -103.5064   275      99    57   DEN
97  40902  359   14  25   2252  39.4845   -103.4944   255      99    57   DEN
100  36089    2   15  21   2007  39.4930   -103.4822   237      98    58   DEN
102  31936    3   15  18   1820  39.4968   -103.4734   221      98    58   DEN
104  28281    3   16  15   1675  39.5030   -103.4747   205      97    58   DEN
106  25030    1   16  13   1559  39.5112   -103.4824   190      97    57   DEN
108  22090  360   16  11   1464  39.5171   -103.4923   176      97    57   DEN
110  19393  358   17   9   1383  39.5208   -103.4994   161      97    56   DEN
112  16900  357   17   7   1314  39.5236   -103.5048   147      97    56   DEN
114  14577  357   17   6   1253  39.5256   -103.5086   132      97    56   DEN
116  12395  356   17   4   1200  39.5271   -103.5099   116      96    56   DEN
118  10344  356   17   3   1153  39.5287   -103.5107    98      96    56   DEN
119   8409  356   17   2   1111  39.5299   -103.5113    79      96    56   DEN
121   6572  356   17   1   1073  39.5311   -103.5100    53      96    56   DEN
122   5262  357   18  -1   1046  39.5334   -103.5089    22      96    56   DEN
123   5000  357   18  -1   1041  39.5336   -103.5087     1      96    56   DEN